When it comes to lighting solutions, you might think wiring is beyond your compatibility. However, wiring is actually pretty simple and anyone can do it. Here are some steps on how to wire HIDs in particular. Before we get started on how to wire HIDs, let’s talk safety. It is important to make sure the power is disconnected before you start working on any type of fixture wiring. Electric shock can kill you, send you to the hospital, or at the very least, be incredibly painful. Make sure the power is disconnected before getting started
- Once the power is off, you can get started on wiring your HIDs. You need to locate your wires to get started. They might be in an attached junction box or elsewhere on the fixture, depending on your model type.
- Locate the ground wire, the common wire, and the power lead wires. These wires will all be different colors, depending on your model, but there will be printed writing on the power lead wire which will tell you the voltage. You will also have the word common marked on your common wire to help you tell the difference.
- Make sure your service matches the power lead wire specifications. For example, if you have a power lead of 277 hooked up to a 120, the fixture will not be able to turn on so make sure your service matches the number printed on the power lead wire. Most fixtures will come with multiple power lead wires so you need to choose the one that is right for your fixture and service.
- Once you have determined your wires and can tell the difference between them, you can start capping off any remaining wires you won’t be using for this process. Tuck them back into your junction box. This will make it easier to make sure you are using the right wires.
- Once you have the right wires in place, you simply connect them to the corresponding wires from the ceiling.
- Screw or mount the fixture into place.
- Make sure you use the appropriate bulbs for the fixture. You never want to use bulbs that aren’t right for the manufacturer’s specified recommendation because you run the risk of either burning up the internal components of the fixture or getting less efficiency from the unit.

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